As part of the Title V internship program, during the summer of 2023, I was matched alongside Ruth Arévalo, RN, MPH, to intern with the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) in the Child and Adolescent Division summer of 2023 to support the program planning, evaluation plan, and nutrition education component for the OSDH Grandparent Toolkit. This project was possible with the support and guidance of our preceptors at OSDH, Alicia Lincoln, MSW, MSPH, and James C. Craig, MSW, and all the OSDH Grandparent Toolkit team. The following poster was presented at the Neal Halfon Public Health Trainee Symposium as part of the UCLA Maternity and Child Health Center of Excellence, where I won the Program Design Award.


Research on Nature as a mitigator for Adverse Childhood experience and Toxic stress